Introducing our new continuing education program

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Since 2018, we have graduated six cohorts of students. Nearly 40 graduates have participated in our career support program and many of them have come back to help guide current students. 

Part of our goal at CCS is to instill a posture of lifelong learning in our students. To that end, we recently partnered with our friends at Enok Collective to roll out a continuing education program for CCS alumni. 

Enok’s team has already invested in our students through several cohorts by offering supplemental lessons and talks on a range of topics. Here's a note from Enok:

Our mission statement is “Launch people. Launch products.” Our primary focus is investing into our people, the Collective, and creating a supportive environment for them to create meaningful products with positive impact. We have the same heart for those outside of our Collective, who also are passionate about building tech products. 

With an Enok presence in Greenville, we are very interested in an investment into its tech community. With our experience and software craftsmanship mindset, we believe that investing into the next generation of Greenville’s software developers is a great place to start. We have a shared passion for mentoring and for Carolina Code School's vision of creating a strong tech community in Greenville. It was an easy choice to partner in this shared interest.

We’ve been packaging up best practices and patterns from our experiences in software design, development, and delivery, into what we call “Enok Talks” modules. Our first module for the CCS alumni is “Personal Craftsmanship,” focusing on how to develop a personal discipline of lifelong growth.

We have 15 alumni participating in the career support program thus far, and we look forward to expanding this program in the future. Thank you to Enok for working with us to amplify the investment our students are making into their own careers and into our local tech ecosystem. 

Lelia King